CoreData uses our AI-CORE™ robotic process automation (RPA) software and leading artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to deliver outstanding system integrations and applications for our clients.
AI-CORE™ RPA Software Bots
CoreData developed its AI-CORE RPA software bots so as to quickly and cost effectively deliver clients’ automation projects.
AI-CORE bots can integrate with all major business applications and enterprise systems, as well as with legacy platforms.
AI-CORE bots can, also, be configured to incorporate provided by artificial intelligence (AI) engines and other analytical tools, including AI cloud services from Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud.
AI-CORE bots are capable of carrying out any number of actions from sending alerts and initiating workflows to checking data quality and making decisions based on a client’s business rules.
Below is a graphic of showing how AI-CORE works.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Robotic process automation, or RPA, is the use of software bots to automate routine, repetitive tasks and processes.
RPA bots are configured to mimic human activity with all actions fully defined by the user. They work alongside business applications and enterprise systems. No systems re-architecture or rework is required.
RPA is known best for its short payback period and immediate productivity gains. CoreData clients typically see an increase productivity of more than 100% with a ROI in less than 6 months.
RPA has an infinite number of uses across business functions, departments and industries. The technology can used to automate anything from single repetitive, routine tasks all the way up to a cross-enterprise business process spanning many groups and locations.
Cognitive RPA
Cognitive RPA is the addition of cognitive technologies based on artificial intelligence (AI) to expand RPA’s capabilities. Core AI technologies include natural language process (NLP), computer vision, machine learning (ML) and deep learning (ML).
Forbes magazine calls RPA “A Gateway Drug to AI and Digital Transformation” (Oct 29, 2018). RPA is a safe, low-risk starting point that can evolve to create more advanced systems using more advanced AI technologies.
The following graphic an evolution of RPA automation from executing simple rules to the adding cognitive features. CoreData work with clients to develop system around RPA while adding the appropriate AI technology or technologies to deliver the best results.